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The Plot

After the Demons and Angels warred, the world was destroyed. The pure cataclysmic destruction forced all the continents back into Pangea, and the oceans into one Super Ocean. Now, the Underworld's seal is broken, and Demons are being freed more and more. They want Earth back. The reapers can't have that. If that happens, they lose all reason for existence, and will most likely be destroyed. The angels purely want peace, and will gain it any way possible. Now, dragons are running amok as Abraham plots with Cortex, Demon General of war. What do they have planned? A new war is starting up. Fenrir, Uriel, and Akuma-Oni are desperate, and want their side to win no matter what. Whose side will you choose?



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Here there be dragons <Event>

Terial the Demon Hunter
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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Fenrir Sat May 01, 2010 1:02 am

<NPC> Lightning flew through the air in a powerful arc. It struck against the bone-white seal holding the gates together. The lightning turning a powerful black, heavy mist blanketing the area. The mist was a solid green, and charged with white electricity. As it struck, the seal began to splinter. The ends were frayed already, which began to eat away at itself.

Then it tore. Instantly, the mist was blasted away to reveal Abraham the Mage, one of Thanatos' trusted colleagues and a very powerful reaper. He was also the foremost intelligence on the seal.. and what it contained. Pulling a book out of his long cloak, he began sifting through the pages of ever-changing text. Stopping at a particular chapter, he began reading.

The seal holding Hell's gates shut is quite powerful. It is composed of every substance and element known to man. It is an intricate seal, having been created by the angels using the bones of dragons asa catalyst for their spell. This has caused the extinction of Dragons in the modern world.

They were once a powerful race, commanding the sky and seas, earth and lava. Now, they are no more.The time has come for the mighty lizards to flap their majestic wings once more. They shall come back as DHalls.

The DHalls are a prophecized item/being, said to come with the breaking of the seal, released from the dragon bones. The DHalls are said to have Three forms. Trinket form, where it takes the form of a small bauble or charm. Common form, where it appears as a dragon of lion size with moderate power, and Hollow form, where it becomes a full sized Dragon, uncomparable in power and strength. Due to the fusion within the seal of dragon and element, these Dhalls are the elements personified.

The only way for a DHall to be released from it's trinket form is for a being to claim it. With the DHalls making their arrival, their breeding will result in regular dragons after a chain of slightly super powered dragons to roam the earth. The time for Dragons has come!

As Abraham read, he smiled. At this point, the seal was completely destroyed. Appearing in the air were a small ball of light. Stretching hands of earth, he pulled the light towards them. From the light, a charm could vaguely be seen inside, the size of a small rubber ball. "I claim this DHall as my own." Abraham roared, as lightning crackled from his fingertips. Dropping the ball, the harsh light stopped and a black ball, as if made from night itself shattered against the ground. The shards began to glow once more, until a golden dragon appeared, the size of a small mountain lion.

Here there be dragons <Event> Baby-dragon

"What do you want, you unworthy?" She asked. Her voice was definiately female. Abraham sneered at the discontempt he was shown.

"Listen here now, dragon.. You work for me now." He ordered, before walking up to her and attempting to grab the dragon's scaly neck. HIccuping, a burst of black fire escaped her nostrils and singed his fingers. It struck his hand and caused a multitude of electricty to fly from his digits.

"You serve me now." He said once more, before his entire arm was alight with purple lightning. Grabbing onto her neck, the two disappeared in a puff of smoke, before the gates were pushed open. Then the demons escaped, en mass. </npc>


Fenrir awoke with a start. Something was wrong. He didn't need to sleep anymore, but sometimes it helped to pretend. Standing, he found himself in a crude alleyway. Good, exactly as he had remembered before spacing out. Shifting from his pretty human form to his more badass Reaper form, he began to scour the skies when he saw something strange. Occasionally, life chords would flash. This action was rare. It had never been recorded before in any literature.

What the hell is going on? He asked himself, before noticing two ... Dragons? Flying around. Must be demons. But wait...

Looking down, he saw many demons. What had happened? Did the.. NO! Swooping towards the ground, he touched lightly with his bony feet. Kicking the earth, a pentacle was cut into the soft dirt. Disappearing into it, the ground grew once again.

The underworld. How he hated it. The stench of decay filled the cavern, for that was indeed what it was. A large, cavernous antechamber was surrounded by blackness. Itself only had light coming from a massive fire, which was normally burning near the "entrance". Now it was burning near the gate. And inside it. Looking closer, Fenrir swore. The gate... was open.

((OOC: Please do not pm me or anything asking for Dragons. They will be given to those whom I deem fit. I will NPC Dragons in this thread also, and it will decide if it wants to be with you or not. To those that npc their own dragons.. You will not get it. You may just be banned. Anyway, enjoy the event!)


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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  ~~Yuki~~ Sun May 02, 2010 12:58 pm

Yuki heard the chains clicking together and knew there was something wrong. Soon after walking down the streets of hell, the creaking of the gates alerted him that the seal was broken. Nearby demons ran for the gates trying to exit but Yuki decided to stay knowing the angels were going to be summoned to get rid of them."The Gates Of Hell Are Open!!!!!Lets Take Back Our Land!!!!!"The head general demon yelled from the gates rasing his sword with a war cry.

" I'd rather stay down here in live." Yuki mutered walking farther down the streets.A ferouis rawr could be heard from the gates.Yuki stode still worried that a dragon was going to enter hell. Right before the rawr a faint flash was visable.

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Terial the Demon Hunter Sun May 02, 2010 5:35 pm

The day started like all the others. He would wake up, have a shower, grab a slice of cold pizza and then sit down at the desk with the phone ready to ring. Hwoever, today was a different day.

terail fell out of his bed and rolled across the floor slightly. This doesnt usually happen, so he expected the worst day of his life. he stood up, fell into the wall and stumbled down the stair hitting a few paintings as he fell. Standing up again, he cursed the world and walked towards the shower. Soon, he walked out perfectly fine and ready for action. Looking at the front room, he could definatly see something was wrong.

"Get the fuck off my pool table!"

A gunshot echoed the silence in the store. Several creatures in the main room turned round to see Terail standing in the doorway with little clothing. His hands however, held two tightly gripped handguns. Spinning round in his palms, he unleashed bullets across the entire building. A few minutes later and the floor was riddle with blood and demonic bullet shells. Terail threw his handgusn to the floor and sat at his desk. His phone was lying in the pizza box which held a couple more slices left. He reached in, pulled out something and chewed. Sadly, he chewed a phone cord.

"fucking demons...*spit*"

Suddenly, an explosion could be heard in the distance. Looking out the window, nothing could be seen that shown an explosion. Apart from the crowd of demons gathering by his shop. Terail, laughing slightly, grabbed his handguns from the floor and walked outside after hauling his trench coat over his shoulders.

"its showtime"
Terial the Demon Hunter
Terial the Demon Hunter

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Kai Nostra Sun May 02, 2010 7:16 pm

What was it that woke him up from his deep, wonderful sleep... maybe the loud noise. The fires outside. Or... the mantis-like demon in the room, trying to catch the sleeping Immortal with it's pincers and eat him? Well, If you would ask him, Kai didn't really know himself. He only knew that he literally jumped out of the bed, outmanouvering the demon, bursting through what was left of the door. Running to the window, planning to jump out, that plan was quickly dismissed. Jumping away from one demon just to land in the vast horde down on the street would be the most stupid thing ever. Turning around, his necklace turned into a sickle.
"Checheche... an apprrrrentice Rrrreaper, he? Will let you live forrrrr no. Not worrrrrth trrrrouble." The mantis demon growled, going down the stairs of the empty scyscraper where Kai had taken himself an appartment without asking. He needed sleep, unlike his master. Sighing in relief, he turned the weapon back and hoped that no other demons would come up here - after all, there was only his golden chord here. Maybe the mantis thought he could catch an apprentice angel.
Leaning back on the wall of the hallway, while still looking through the window, the wannabe Reaper touched his forehead with his right hand and concentrated his thoughts. Master, we have some demonic problems here, I guess. Around... ah crap, enough to whipe out humanity. How did they get out of hell? while trying to send his message to his sire, he noticed a short flashing chord. What was that now? Fenrir never told him anything about those chords.

Kai Nostra

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Fenrir Sun May 02, 2010 10:07 pm

Floating high above the demons, he watched the demon masses excitedly stampede out of the gates and disappear as soon as they could. To Earth, no doubt. Akuma-Oni must be having a fucking ball. Grinning, he responded to Kai. Hey Kai.. you are not going to believe this... Fenrir thought back to him, as a ball of light began floating past him. Reaching out it, he grasped the yellow incandescent orb and tightened his fist over it. The light exploded from his hand, and a silver ring was in the palm of his hand. Here there be dragons <Event> Ring Tossing the ring into the air, he recalled what the book of Abraham had said when he poured over it many months prior to this.

"Merely speak "Common Form, DHall, and the Beast shall emerge in it's common form."

"Common form." He calmly stated, and a sleek black dragon emerged the ring. There was no flash of light. There was no explosion. It just... emerged. The ring cracked slightly and the Dragon shimmered out. He was roughly the size of a moose, with a large pair of black wings. He had a very sleek figure, and a blunt face. Definitely built for flight and speed. Here there be dragons <Event> C3a3e779

"Hello." Fenrir commented, reaching out a hand to pet the dragon. Snarling, the dragon bared his vicious teeth. Stopping his hand, Fenrir tilted his head curiously. "What's the matter?" He asked, as the dragon actually spoke to him.

"You do not touch me, pitiful whelp." He roared, before taking off. Flapping his powerful wings, he headed straight towards the top of the Cavern. Because he and Fenrir's life chords were now connected, he had a bit of Reaper powers. Including going between the Underworld and Earth. Occasionally the Overworld, but rarely. Disappearing into a pentacle, Fenrir swore. Following after him, he emerged in a grassy field.

"Stop." He shouted, and the dragon complied. Turning, he roared. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!?" His voice echoed, deep and humble. Like a millennium old dragon's should be.

"I want..I want to be your friend!" He called, sort of pitifully. It was very cliche, but maybe it would make him listen. Besides, it wasn't exactly a lie. Fenrir remembered what had happened to the Dragons. They needed as many allies as they could get.

"My Friend?! HAH!" He roared again, before wind began swirling around him. Suddenly, he folded his wings and dived. The wind erupted into a Tornado-esque sphere on both sides, sort of like a drill from the front and back. Leaping out of the way, Fenrir's scythe swung and a wind cutter launched out of it. Turning out of the way, the Kamikaze dragon scoffed and flew up high again.

"See, you attacked as well."

"It was self defense!"

"I'm not buying it." He roared again, before shooting a ball of purple fire out of his mouth, then flying through it. The fire clung to his body. As he fell, the wind whistled around him, creating a sharp sound through the air. Barely leaping out of the way on time, the dragon exploded when he made contact with the ground. Smoke and clay filled the air.

"Missed again.." Fenrir started laughing, before he and the dragon began rolling around laughing. "Are we cool now?" Fenrir asked, wiping a 'tear' from his eyesocket.

"What do you mean?" The dragon asked, shaking off the dirt. He was once again on his feet, and looked ready to leap into the air again.

"Still don't trust me?"

" 'Course not.. but I guess I will tolerate you. You don't seem like a weakling, and I realize that the first attack was just a reflex."

"You realize now that we are connected, right?" Fenrir asked, indicating to the chord that strewn out of the dragons heart and attacked to Fenrir's. For a second when they were fighting, they both pulsed. Now though, they were solid Gold.

"Yeah.. I can see them now." He answered, before sighing. "What does this mean?" He asked, getting confused.

"Means you're mine now.. sort of. I don't believe in owning another being, though. So, Partners?" He asked, extending a hand.

"Partners." He agreed, shaking it with a large, sleek paw.

"So..can I ride you? I mean.. I can fly myself, but I think it would be cool.." Fenrir asked lightly, scratching the back of his head.

Sighing, the dragon lowered his wings. So lenient... Fenrir could definitely get used to this. Climbing onto the silky, smooth skin of the dragon, it kicked off. "Where to?" He asked, and Fenrir gave him the directions to Kai.

"Dude... you are NEVER going to believe this. Stay where you are.


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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Uriel//Loki Sun May 02, 2010 11:34 pm

//:: Uriel ::\\

Uriel was at the ice cream shop in his human guise eating his daily vanilla caramel sundae. He figured that this would be another uneventful day where he wouldn't be any closer to finding out who the Angel was that was helping out the demons. He finished eating his Sundae and left the shop. When Uriel left the shop he began walking to the outskirts of town away from everyone that was there. As he was walking he noticed that a few demons we out and about. He decided he would move closer to them and well do what he always does...kill them with his sword. Uriel left his Human Guise and was back in original form as soon as he was about to take off and kill them he got a message from his daughter that was in Heaven saying that Seal keeping the demons back in Hell was broken. When he had heard this message Uriel got extremely pissed off since he was on the of the Angels that had created the seals by using Dragon bones that were slain. He quickly flew off towards the direction of where the gateway to hell was sealed off.

Once he arrived at the scene he stayed up in the air looking down at the ground seeing all of the demons breaking out, he couldn't help but think that the efforts he had done those hundreds of years ago were for nothing, and that another great war would breakout. As he looked around he noticed Fenrir flying off on top of a dragon and couldn't help but feel that on top of the demons becoming free that the dragons might be returning once again. But the thing that he really kept thinking about was who in their right mind would break the seal, and why what could someone possibly gain from such a thing. Whoever it was they are about to enter a world full of hurt no matter what their race was. Uriel then flew down next to a boulder and said telepathically to all of the Angels.

'Everyone listen up the gateway to hell has been broken I don't know by whom or why they would do it, and I can't help but fear for another war. I want everyone to stay on alert, and kill any Demons that appear I do not want to risk another war, and do not want a high amount of casualties. I on the other hand will try to think up of another way to seal the gateway to Hell and will find the one held responsible for this, whoever they may be I will show them no mercy for they are a threat to life.'

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  ~~Yuki~~ Mon May 03, 2010 7:42 am

A stronge secent of blood was linkering around the gates, but it wasnt the useall musty blood smell,it was more like 3000 years of blood shed.Yuki licked his lips and ran up towards the gates, but he stopped suddennly before he exited hell.Somthing was telling him dont go out there somthing will kill you.He snapped out of his trance and shock his head,he then covered his face with his arm.

The sky darkenned,the sky thundered and shot bolts of electricty."I guess the reapers are now involved in out afeirs." He looked at the sky and was quite worried. The destrution was strong from that oncoming storm.

"The demons are out of controle."It seemed as if it was going to be the end of all creation.A near by bird told him valcanos were going off everyweres.Another said there was earthquakes and blizzards.

It rained harder and harder by the second as the thunder strom got closer."hmmmmm.Wonder what will happen this time, life?"A thunder bolt struck the ground killing several peaple and demons."A dark power is getting closer to my postion.I should leave if I dont want to die.Of course it wont be by a angels hand atleast."

Last edited by ~~Yuki~~ on Tue May 04, 2010 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Terial the Demon Hunter Mon May 03, 2010 3:19 pm

A good ten minutes had past since Terail ha dleft his shop. He span around with a hefty right kick to a demons face follwoed by a volley of bullets to its face. Turning, he span into the next demon and blasted bullets into that one too. The streets were beginning to get wild. Seeing this many demons means something really wasnt going well.

Terail kicked off one demon and shot it several times in mid air. Quickly, a series of demons fell to the floor and terail alnded in a nice swoop. he looked upo and sniffed the air in the direction of darkened clouds.

"smells like.... an army?... a legion?... their numbers are huge."

terail pulled his hair up and to the back of his head before scratching his scalp. Then, guns in hand, he dashed down the streets. Bullets flew in all directions as he shot through alleys and leaping from walls to get to where all the demons scents were coming from.
Terial the Demon Hunter
Terial the Demon Hunter

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Kai Nostra Mon May 03, 2010 6:06 pm

"Stay where you are, he says. Yeah right, I will just stay here and wait for the next demon to spot me up here, right. I don't want to be eaten right away, thank you..." sighing, Kai left his position and walked down the staircases. Man, that was one shitload of stairs upon stairs and more stairs right infront of him... But the only way out of the abandonned skyscraper. An earthquake during the rearangement of the continents during the last great war had made it unstable, and nobody had any time or explosives to waste on destroying something that could fall apart any time. Mainly criminals and homeless where in here most of the time - and sometimes an Immortal who didn't know what the hell his master was off doing again. At least that was what Kai was doing when he wasn't searching for Black Chords to call his master to.
Slowly, he aproched the door of the building, and peeked outside. Still many demons down here, no chance to sneak past them. "If I do that, I'll get torn into pieces, roasted, shockfrosted, poisoned and eaten all at the same time. Ugly..." he mumbled with a low voice to himself - until a scream took on his attention. Someone was actually FIGHTING this horde? What the hell was going on around here? But that was his chance. Bursting through the door, he turned left, trying to get away from the fighter who distracted the near demons...
Just to look into an even larger horde on it's way. No better view to the right side of the street. "Okay, maybe I should've listened to what Fenrir said for once. Oh, god dammit..." Slowly backing off towards the door, he just knew something would happen now to mess his retreat up. Like demons swarming over him, or that fighting guy dieing and all of them turning onto him.

Kai Nostra

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Fenrir Mon May 03, 2010 6:49 pm

The wind howled through Fenrir's black cloak as held tight with bony fingers onto the black dragon's sleek skin. As they turned into a big city, Fenrir instantly noticed the air get hotter. Looking below, he knew instantly why. Below, a massive horde of Demons had emerged into the city and were killing everything. He swore he heard one roar 'For the horde!' but maybe he was imagining it. "So.. What's your name, anyway?" He asked, as they flew over the city with strong, powerful thrusts of the dragon's powerful wings.

"Calsifer." He responded with his gruff, young voice. "So.. where are we going? Anyway?" He asked, as he swerved between buildings and carefully spun so that Fenrir didn't fall and they avoided a flying demon, whom didn't even register them.

"We're going to see my apprentice.. well.. one of them. Turn left." He said, as Calsifer adjusted his wings and they arced through the air. "My name is Fenrir..." He calmly said, as one of the wings nearly clipped a building. "What where you're going.." He commented lightly, before motioning towards a shitstorm of demons. In the centre was Kai, his apprentice.

"Hey Kai! Hop on!" He called out to his Apprentice, before the dragon he was riding on dived. Reaching out his scythe, he hooked it over his apprentice's shirt and pulled him onto the back of the dragon. "Hey man.. this is Calsifer.. Calsifer, this is Kai." He said, as Cal flapped quickly and they rose into the air.

"Nice to meet ya.." Cal grunted, as he heaved and huffed while straining to raise them off the ground. "Land on the roof!" Fenrir ordered, and he complied with gratitude. Landing on the roof, he converted back into his charm form. Slipping the ring on his right hand, he twisted it to adjust it on his finger.

Suddenly, 4 shots of light shot up into the air and headed in different directions. Three headed in unknown directions, while One actually headed to them, and stopped in front of Kai. "Hey man... grab that." He told him, grinning.

((OOC: The other three went for Yuki, Uriel, and Terail. Remember to fill out your DHall/Dragon templates, guys. Also, don't fill out Hollow information.))


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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Kai Nostra Mon May 03, 2010 7:30 pm

Some of these butmunchers actually started closing in, just before a very familiar voice was heard... and a huge ass scythe picked the Immortal up, bringing him to the back of something big, black and scaly. SIghing with relief, he kinda leaned onto the reaper form of his master from behind.
"Man, do you have to make all your entries this dramatic? I got it when you sired me, master. You are the rescue, and all that." That was how Kai said: Thank you for saving my butt once again. Hearing the strange voice of the... dragon they where riding on was also quite something. "Well, nice to meet ya, too, Calsifer." Though somehow the black being didn't sound like he actually ment it. Landing on the roof, Kai wasn't even a full step away from his sire as the strange, flashing light came closer, now hovering infront of his face.
"Ah well. I can't think off anything bad happening with touching a hovering light, not at all, really." Quite a bit of zynism was leaking out of Kais voice as he raised his right hand and grabbed the object hovering there... a completely white pendant in the form of a blade, with a small saphire in the middle of the handle. Kinda fitted with the black pendant he was always wearing and carrying his weapon around with... strange.

Kai Nostra

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  ~~Yuki~~ Mon May 03, 2010 8:31 pm

The storm raged closer,Yuki was still quiet and very still.The clouds started to swril around and around.This worried Yuki alot for not knowing if it was the angels doing it, or ,life himself.The storm was now right above him,the creatures ran for cover and Yuki still sat on his rock and stared into the sworling pit in the sky hoping it wasent the end. Lightning was strikeing the ground with deadly intent,it destroyed every thing it touched, fire burned from where it struk.

A flash of light pused through the clouds sending them out of the way of what was to come. A sterek of white was left from behind the flash.Yuki blinded and seeming lost, the flash was too quike for his eye to adjust to it. His eyes soon adjusted from the light that was now infront of him.Now that he could see,he saw a big ruby the size of a pop can top, it also had a dragon around the egde of itHere there be dragons <Event> 412LtThvzBL .Yuki reached out and grabbed it,but before he grabbed it ,it opened and showed a small clock in it.

Yuki touched what seemed to be a normal stop watch. When he did touch it the ruby glowed with a bright flash of red light. Yuki agine opened his eyes to see a dragon."Th---th----this ca---ca--cant be" Yuki suttered with amazment and content has a sleek black dragon with ruby colored eyes and sharp thin wings that looks as if thay could cut throught a brick. Here there be dragons <Event> Black_Dragon_In_Air_2
Yuki froze at the site of a dragon. It was rare,Yuki himself was horrible with luck, but this seemed to brake his bad luck strike.

Last edited by ~~Yuki~~ on Tue May 04, 2010 5:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Terial the Demon Hunter Tue May 04, 2010 1:41 pm

"I just realised that all these demons im killing... wont pay me a single penny!"

Angered at his own actions, Terial began blasting more dmeons as he moved closer to them. The weaker hordes were not a group to mess with. But that was what they said to humans and not demons themselves. Terail shoved his right handgun into the mouth of a demon and fired, blasting its spine out of its back. He then span around and smashed a second demon with the head of the first. He quickly followed by leapng on the fallen demon and firing into its head.

"crap... this storm looks bad"

The clouds above were beginning to get very dark. As if soembody wasnt happy witht eh weather today. Terail looked around to see something blast past his vision. Some black blur. Focused, he could see that two people were sitting upon some demonic thing that he had never seen before. How could he not sense it?

"what was that thing? I better go check it out"

HE then began to run down the streets again but was stopped by a group of three more dmeons that fell from the walls around him. Looking around, more and more seemed to be walking in: Totalling to 15.

"Honestly. Your all going to die one day. Why make it today?"

Terail threw his handguns into the air. they shone a bright yellow and so did terails body. They both began to change as the handguns grew to triple their size and blades began shooting from their fronts. terail however, became much more armoured. His body took on a demon skin aspect with several aerodynamic parts. His face was no shadow with demon teeth and eyes. Grinning happily, what was his handgtyuns now fell into his hands. They were two huge swords made of demon flesh, one with an eye. then he began to speak in a demon voice. His original voice but with a second echoing his every word.

"Now... your in for it"
Terial the Demon Hunter
Terial the Demon Hunter

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Zalos Urkaki Wed May 05, 2010 11:01 pm

Zalos stood and watched the dragons fly through the air with curiosity. He started to walk at a light pace back and forth, smiling with his hands behind his back and his suitcase on the ground. "What to do here?" he said with a grin. "A sky full of dragons and powerful people fighting them in each and every angle, I guess Ill just wait, I can feel them approaching me" Zalos quickly changed into his Reaper appearance and his suitcase changed into his jagged scythe "People ougtha think im crazy for talking to myself haha" He laughed.
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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Fenrir Thu May 06, 2010 5:34 pm

Suddenly, a crack of white light cut through the air as a dragonic beast appeared before Kai, Fenrir, and Calsifer. "Ooh.. another one.." Calsifer grinned, as the beast roared, signaling her arrival. "I am MYRRH!!" She roared again. Myrrhs normal form has completely white scales, something very rare, leading to her name. Even the skin of her wings is purely white. That said, she also is unique in another way: her size. She is only about the size of a rather big cat in the body department, her long neck making her long at least a bit bigger - but still, she can curl herself around the neck of a human and lie there just fine. Her wings also have a rather small width because of that, of course. The eyes of her are clear blue. Only her Claws have a different collor - they are black. Most of the time, however, she has them retreated into her paws, as she can do that like a cat could do, since they 'make her ugly', as she herself says, since it gives her 'a grey look' while they are out. Actually, they even increase the white sparkle of her scales in the light.

"What a pitiful dragon.." Calsifer commented, buffing himself up to full height. "What you doing down there, you puny thing?" He asked her, before he was smacked in the back of the head by Fenrir. "Be nice." He ordered. "Yeah, you ugly bastard." She mentioned, before turning to Kai. "You.. you touched me.. Why?!" She asked, before sucking in a deep breath. "You will pay for your ugliness!" She announced through clenched breath, before breathing out a blue mist, which crackled in the air as it froze the oxygen and hydrogen solid.


In front of Yuki, a dragon with also appeared. She had Black sleek scales that is smoother than a babies skin. Rudy red eyes that shine in the dark. Her horns curve slightly back wards from the top sides of her head. The wings are thin for speed and for staying in one spot in the air for a long period of time, they also are sharp and can cut through a mortal. Her nails aren’t that sharp they are long enough so that she can grip onto things and land from flying. "I am Akaitsuki, Queen of the Blood moon. You.. you aren't worthy of my presence." She announced, before stabbing her tail through a random human and wrenching it open. Letting the blood well up, she closed her eyes. A pulse was felt in the air, as a long whip flowed into the air, stemming from the puddle. With a crack, the whip began to attack Yuki.


After Terail's brutal battle, it was revealed that he had stepped on something. This something cracked apart, as a large beasty thing appeared. It was orangish-brown, and dragonoid. Having only two legs, it stood on them in great defiance towards the man standing before him. "Pitiful whelp... if only you had the courage and skills to control a great beast such as myself...." He roared, before sending a large, 3 meter by 3 meter fire ball headed towards his face.


A small ball of light began floating towards Zalos, hovering near him like a boss.

((OOC: Zalos, this is your cue. Touch it, and I will npc your dragon my next post. To everyone else whom is currently fighting a dragon... good luck.))


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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Kai Nostra Thu May 06, 2010 5:44 pm

"What the f..." In the end, Kai determined that finishing that sentence was no good. Dodging the freezing breath coming towards him was more important. Doing a backflip out of the standing to get some distance, he didn't reach out for his weapon just yet. Another dragon... first his master came riding on one, and now such a being attacked him? What was wrong with the world? And that was only in addition to the huge demon horde rampaging around. If this was a dream, the Nostra would've liked to wake up by now.
"Hey, it wasn't me who floated around in a ball of light and stopped right infront of the face of the next best Immortal!" Kai defended himself, his right hand ready to summon his weapon if the dragon attacked again. "Calm down, I don't want to fight a girl." The black pendant around his neck sparkled slightly. At least, the voice and behaviour made him think that he stood before a female dragon.

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  ~~Yuki~~ Thu May 06, 2010 9:07 pm

Yuki started laughing like a crazed man." You think you can kill me!" As the sky swirled, the whip was atleast 5 meters long.The dragon had tried to whip Yuki but Yuki had jumped into the sky and started to fly towards the dragon. The sky rawred as yuki was 30 meters dead ahead of the dragon.

" Looks like we both use blood....." Yuki had blood lust actived from all the blood that was laying around. He smilied and jumped up into the air, Atleast 30 meters high. He was above the dragon while the force of gravity was pulling him down.He gaining great speed and force. He was hoping he would hit the dragon with a strong force

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Terial the Demon Hunter Fri May 07, 2010 11:51 am

Terail paid very little attention to the wyvern drake that appeared before him. Instead, he pounded some sense into the face of a standing demon and sliced a second down the middle with his huge blades of flesh. Then, as the temperature suddenly raised, he leapt backwards avoiding a rather nasty volley of fireballs.

"You shouldn't take people by surprise you...wait!" the balls of flame crashed into the floor in front of Terail causing an explosion. His body was sent flying backwards into a street lamp and rolled to the floor. "damn... don't be careless Terail. but it looks like this creature requires some kind of respect" Terails stood up and looked at the wyvern stature that faced him. He smiled and continued to walk in his demonic form.

"Alright then dude, I'm gonna honour your appearance and fight you with the best of my ability. Mainly because you look like you deserve it" Terail span around, grabbing the first blade out of the floor. using that, he propelled himself at a wall where his second had pierced itself and yanked it out too. Then, he landed back on the floor a metre away form the drake. "Its party time" Followed by a loud roar!
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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Uriel//Loki Fri May 07, 2010 7:05 pm

//:: Uriel ::\\

Uriel ignored the demon that went up to him, as he was too busy trying to figure out how someone was able to destroy the seal that he had made hundreds of years ago. He began to notice bright lights go all over the place. He turned around and looked at the demon who now had a dragon whom he took off with. Uriel by now at this point was even more pissed off on top of the demons being released the dragons were coming back. He figured that this day cant get any worse. Uriel decided to fly and try to gather up a few Angels to attempt to push the Demons back. First he would need to think of a new way to seal them up. As he was flying a white light went towards him and floated in front of him. He reached his hand out and grabbed the light, as he grabbed the light it turned into a pair of earrings. Uriel opened his hand saw the earrings there in his hand. He laughed a bit and said outloud

"Just when I thought that things couldn't get anymore interesting."

Here there be dragons <Event> FF7ACSilverEarrings

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Zalos Urkaki Sun May 09, 2010 8:13 am

Zalos sees the ball and walks up and tries to grab it hoping it would be the key to fighting the dragons
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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  ~~Koori~~ Sun May 09, 2010 4:49 pm

As the demons ran by Koori cranked his music up.The rawr of the demons together agervated him becuase he could not hear his music. He saw Fenrir and kai on the building beside him. He heard a mighty crake from the sky,then seeing a flash of sending 5 objects in different directions." Looks like the dragons are free....." He sighed looking in all the directions of the 5 objects

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Fenrir Fri May 14, 2010 7:41 pm

Myrrh the dragon was unimpressed. "You're pitiful, boy..." The female dragon commented, before twirling through the air. "Diamond cutter!" She roared, before spinning through the air like a diving falcon. She was grace. She was beauty. But above all, she was Death. As she approached the immortal, her claws encased themselves in ice. She was more deadly then renamon, at this point. Her wings beat through the air, to help increase her speed.

Akaitsuki laughed. It was a deep, ringing laugh. She was mocking Yuki. Flipping back up, she did a back-flip throughout the air and tail-whipped Yuki. Leveling herself once more, she pulled back and flapped a large stream of acid towards the falling Demon.

Vail was pissed off. "You think you know me?" He asked, before breathing out a ball of smoke from his nostrils. Hunching back on his only two legs, he shot an intense fireball, Upon contact, these flames would explode to a range twice the size of the blast. This is very effective for the larger blast and gives the smaller ones a nasty reach.

Neltharion is slighty larger then your Moose. He is 8ft tall 6ft wide and 12ft long. He has wing span of 24ft and are bat like which he folds when he is not flying. He has scaly black skin and three horns coming from his head. His underbelly is a white grayish color. "You pitiful little man..." He announced, standing before the angel. "Hey... you'
re Uriel... you fucking bastard!" A fierce rage coursed through the dragon. This monster had killed them all. Well, now he was back.. now he was ready for revenge. He dropped his wings on the ground. Flapping them, he shot out a burst of fire. Kicking forward, he exploded through that fire. This caused his body to become covered in the thick, burning plasma. Torpedoing himself towards Uriel, he was very, very pissed off.

A tiny, silver dragon appeared in front of Zalos. His name was Morael, and he was the dragon of metal. He was roughly the size of a housecat, his scales like shimmering sheets of metal pressed against each other. "You released me.. unfortunately.. I automatically hate you." He reared himself back, before launching into the air. Flapping until he was eyeheight with Zalos, he spoke once more. "You don't seem strong enough to be my friend..." Suddenly, he was encased in metal, sharp and jagged. It was like he took a class from Calsifer, and launched towards Zalos, like a pencil sharpner.

Amid the chaos and confusion, a ball of light ejected from the grass and began hovering near Koori.

"Go, Kai, Go!" Fenrir called towards his apprentice. Atop his own dragon, Calsifer also cheered. "Kick that icy bitch's ass!"


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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Zalos Urkaki Fri May 14, 2010 8:59 pm

"Morael, eh?" he asks the small dragon while avoiding its attempt to hit him by moving to his left hand side. He smiled. "Well, how shall I impress you young Dragon?". Zalos says with a smirk on his face
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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  ~~Yuki~~ Sat May 15, 2010 12:22 am

Yukis attacked missed, and now was leveled by the dragon who just attacked him. Lucky for him he curled up in a ball getting minamul damage from the attack.Yuki stood up with a smirk on his face and coughed up some blood into his hand......He slowly cut his wrist, it left a meter long blood puddle while jumping over the blood spray of acid.He did not getaway without a scratch though, some blood had touched his ankle and now it was injured

" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! That was fun, lets try this agine.You join me and I will help you rebuild your kingdom, and help you regaine your tittle." Yuki flow back over to his blood puddle waiting for the dragon to make its move.

Last edited by ~~Yuki~~ on Sat May 15, 2010 4:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Here there be dragons <Event> Empty Re: Here there be dragons <Event>

Post  Terial the Demon Hunter Sat May 15, 2010 7:31 am

"hahahaha... opening with range isnt wise against a demon such as me fool" Terail leapt into the blast of fire with both blades pointed forwards. Then, he began to rotate his body from his launch like a drill style. Hitting the blast dead in the center, the explosion was set off early. A nice bang that shook the air and ground around them. but, Terail leapt through the flame with a very burnt look about him. His clothes were singed, his face was blackened but his swords were coated in diamonds. "haha... that useless hunk of a demon was actually helpful" as he fell back to the floor, Terail twisted his body around and slid straight underneath the dragons chin. With a quick motion, both his blades were heavily brought around, coated in diamond, aimed at the dragons ankles.
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